When is Radiant Heating more cost efficient than Air Heating?

Radiant Heater that keeps you warm anywhere.
Radiant Heater that keeps you warm anywhere.

Buying a heater is a long-term investment. Making sure you got the right type of heater would be essential. What factors should you consider before investing in a heater?

Here are two things to consider:

  • How enclosed or open is the space?
  • How small or big is the space you would like to warm up?

Air heating is most effective in small and enclosed spaces like a bathroom or a meeting room for 10 people. This is because air heating system works by warms up the air circulating in the space. In such small enclosed spaces, air circulates in an average of 3-4 times per hour. So, one cycle of air circulation stays for around 20 minutes making air heating very efficient. However, the bigger and more open the space like a gym, churches, warehouses or even offices whose doors are contantly being opened, the air circulation changes on an average of 15 - 20 times per hour. Air heating would then become very ineffective as  it tries to warm up one full air circulation which would last for around 3 minutes. So every energy used to heat up the air circulation would be lost in 3 minutes making it the most costly and ineffective heating system. 

Radiant heaters, on the other hand, is effective in any space as it emits heat like the sun. It directs the heat to the objects underneath and not the air around it. Therefore, warming people and other objects in the room almost instantly. This saves greatly on both energy and cost that air heating would consume just to heat air. The best part is, it is flexible to be installed in anycorner or space you want. 

In fact, Hurll Nu-Way radiant tube gas heaters would have the following attributes:

  • Quick heating for people and objects
  • Cost efficient
  • Sustaining room temperature with more stability
  • Extremely safe

Would you like to have a customized analysis of benefits and savings? Give us a call and our energy experts would help you out. 

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