High Bright Fully Rugged Tablet

Drilco are committed to the provision of high quality and professional services to clients.

Business Challenge

Drilco are committed to the provision of high quality and professional services to clients. This includes ongoing review of internal processes as well as the integration of new systems & technologies designed to improve client satisfaction. Drilco saw an opportunity to streamline data collection and reporting procedures thereby providing clients quicker access to information and the ability to act in a timelier manner.

A typical on-site inspection for Drilco could include the evaluation of over 400 drill pipe sections, which based on 2 connections per pipe, requiring an average of 15 individual inspections on each connection, equates to around 12,000 pieces of data needing to be recorded and calculated before enabling an evaluation of the current condition of the drill string. Typically, Drilco staff worked extensively in the field collecting data which would be documented on paper, then calculated and collated back in the local office. For Drilco, this method meant a delay in supplying information to the client as well as the higher risk of entry errors when inputting the data. Additionally, based on the extreme environmental factors in the field including rain, wind, heat and dirt, the risk factor of losing data would be significantly reduced by incorporating an IT strategy.

Myles Bond, Senior Coordinator at Drilco, has worked extensively on researching and testing software and hardware options to facilitate the objective. The two key challenges which needed to be addressed were the creation of customised reporting templates and a hardware solution which could perform in the field.

Choosing the Hardware

Myles acknowledges the customised software has created some outstanding benefits for their clients. “Calculations are now automatically made whilst in the field and include the functionality to create standard-based parameters. This means if data is incorrectly entered or an inspection result falls outside of acceptable levels, it is picked up immediately, retested for confirmation, and if required the client can be informed within minutes.” However, he readily admits without a ruggedised tablet, the advantages achieved through the integration of the software would be a non-starter based on the extreme environmental conditions.

“Initial research came up with a range of tablets, included non-ruggedised options. We decided to test a popular non-ruggedised option in the field to see how well it would perform. Within 3 hours the battery was dead, due in part to needing the display at the highest brightness level to achieve visibility in field. Quickly the tablet was caked in dust, a typical environmental factor for our workforce which compounded the usability and visibility of the touchscreen. In essence it could not handle the everyday conditions our inspectors’ experience, let alone offer performance and durability. It was a useful lesson and proved that a cheaper, non-ruggedised option was not a route we wanted to explore. ”

Myles’ ongoing research led him to APC Technology. “The sales support was outstanding. The consultant understood the challenges we were facing and provided comprehensive advice on the market options as well as a recommendation on a solution which would suit our needs. We were also given the opportunity to test an F110 tablet before purchase which impressed us. We also know APC Technology offer a comprehensive post-sales support program but to date the F110 has proved to be a highly reliable and powerful tool for use in the field.”

Return in investment (ROI)

The superior features and functionality of the F110 makes it the ideal solution for Drilco. “Our consultants are in the field experiencing temperatures of +40 degrees, in high sunlight and for up to 12 hours a day. The F110 offers hot swappable battery technology, ensuring longevity in the field. The fact that it meets military standards and is rated at IP65 means it can perform under extreme heat, dust and water. Finally, the integration of a range of sunlight readable technology means there is never an issue with visibility regardless of day or night use. The additional connectivity features enables easy back up of data to the office server. Based on return in investment, the F110 is part of a package which enables us to offer a more reactive service for our clients plus a more efficient turn around in reporting. For Drilco, it reduces man hours spent on paperwork enabling more time in the field plus it sets us apart from our competitors. For us, the F110 is adding client value whilst saving us money. ”