Pack King solves crate access problems

Pack King recently introduced the Powered Floor Crane, and immediately, it was taken up by many companies wanting to access crates. Either placing product in, or removing product from.

Using overhead cranes is time consuming, plus the crate has to be under crane path, whereas the Powered Floor Crane can load and unload a crate anywhere, as the operator simply power drives the unit to where it's needed, then using the controls, simply manipulates the crane jib out and up or down as desired.

Originally, the Powered Floor Crane was invented to make removing vehicle engines easier – especially when the pendant control meant that the mechanic could use one hand to guide the engine, whilst the other hand controlled the crane.

BUT, as all good ideas go, the Powered Floor Crane has been found to be very useful in many other situations, like lifting heavy electric motors and pumps from installations, then using the crane to either load them onto a truck or place them on to a work bench.

Another company uses it to remove heavy feeder pipes on top of machinery, where an operator usually has to juggle with the pipes slipping whilst the bolts are being removed. The crane holds the weight, then allows the operator to slowly retract then lower the item for inspection or cleaning.

Another use is for the removal and placement of dies into and from presses or moulders. They need to be removed from a rack, then transported to the moulder, then placed inside the available cavity. All of which is heavy and awkward work for one or more operators, plus the risk of mis-handling and injury is high.

When loading a very heavy item such as a large pipe valve into a pre-formed crate, there is no better way than to have the flexibility of the Powered Floor Crane at hand.