Ragazzini Peristaltic Pumps clean up Bathurst Water Treatment Plant

Bathurst Water Treatment Plant has found savings in maintenance time and cost by investing in two Ragazzini Peristaltic Pumps. Hose replacements are cleaner and faster than the previous equipment.

Reduce peristaltic pump hose maintenance time and costs:

A chance meeting led David Cashen WIOA Operator of the Year and Supervisor of the Bathurst Water Treatment Plant to the Hydro Innovations stand at the 2018 Tamworth WIOA conference where we were demonstrating a Ragazzini Peristaltic pump.

Bathurst WTP had two peristaltic pumps transferring carbon slurry for use in the plant’s treatment process.

The slurry is  abrasive, so hoses needed replacing once or twice per year. The hose changes were exceedingly messy. The pump casings needed to be filled with lubricating fluid because of the “shoe on hose” design.

In the event of a hose failure, a mixture of carbon slurry and lubricating oil resulted in a mammoth mess to clean-up, inside and outside of the pump.

Hose replacements and the consequential cleanup of carbon mixed with lubricating oil could take days, and David also had the cost of the expensive lubrication fluid and hose costs to replace each time.

Once David had been shown the features and benefits of the Ragazzini peristaltic pumps, he was convinced he had found the answer to his messy hose changing issues.

Ragazzini Peristaltic Pump

Ragazzini Peristaltic Pump features:

A number of enhancements over other brands which make Ragazzini Peristaltic Pumps  highly reliable, easy to service and maintain:

  • A design which eliminates the need for lubricating oil, and reduces friction on hoses,  extending hose life.
  • An automatic retractable roller system for easy maintenance, hose change over and to take pressure off hoses during pump rest periods.
  • A leak detector which automatically stops the pump when a hose fails and sends an alarm, minimising product loss.
  • No lubricating oil in pump chamber; no mess or potential contamination of pumped product or surrounding area in the event of a hose failure. No lubricating oil greatly simplifies hose change-outs.
  • Choice of 7 different hoses to suit your product.
  • Duties from 1 L/hour up to 180,000 L/hour, operating pressures up to 15 bar.

Two Ragazzini model MSO pumps were  supplied. One pump has now been operating since July 2018, running continuously for up to 18-20 hours per day in the hotter periods, and at a recent inspection in April 2019, there had been no hose failure or need to change-out the original hose.

David Cashen’s expectations have been more than realised with a clean and reliable system to pump the carbon slurry, and a hose life that is up to 9 months and still going.

The initial outlay has also been validated by the cost savings in down time and clean-up time, reliability, reduced hose replacement and all round efficiency.

A very effective peristaltic pumping solution!