For the correct use of a PINACHO ML lathe that helps to extend its useful life, it is important to be familiar with its main controls and commands. Please check our article/ blog for more information.

It is important to know the operation of the main controls of a conventional parallel PINACHO ML lathe if we want to achieve maximum performance in the manufacture of parts.

Manual lathes are a key tool in the manufacturing industry and are used to perform numerous operations, such as: threading, turning, boring or milling, among others; removing material from the metal part by applying cutting tools to obtain the desired shape.

To ensure the correct operation of the PINACHO ML lathe, it is necessary to understand how the different components operate.

The Pinacho ML lathe is a parallel lathe, so it works in a horizontal level and, in particular, its slides can move longitudinally and transversely in that level.

The cutting tool is mounted on a carriage that moves on guides or rails parallel to the axis of rotation of the part to be turned, called the x-axis; on this carriage there is another one that moves along the z-axis, in a radial direction to the part being turned, and there may be a third slide called charriot which has the possibility of rotating its base along an axis normal to it, thus allowing the trajectory of the tool when moving along this slide to be oblique to the axis of the workpiece.

The operation of a lathe is based on three basic movements, which are rotation, feed and penetration. These occur simultaneously and can be regulated in speed, pressure and angle to obtain the desired finishes on the workpiece. This requires the intervention of a specialized operator who combines the controls and commands of the machine to coordinate the movement of its components, within the parameters established for each model. In this video we show you what are the main features of a PINACHO ML lathe, and how they work.