Case Study: Upgrading and Reconstructing Roads with Existing Materials

Case Study: Upgrading and Reconstructing Roads with Existing Materials and minor Importing of New Materials.

The scenario below is field proven and used by Council and State Road Authorities in Australia and New Zealand during 2021 - 2024 and is gaining popularity as word spreads of success and savings among our customers. 

Roads that require reconstruction, rehabilitation or require an upgrade to enable strength increase or increased performance, due to poor sub-grade, failed pavement design, flooding, increased traffic volumes or a requirement to be sealed.

Traditionally road sections like this require existing road materials to be excavated and removed from site, then replaced with imported materials that are often cement or lime stabilised.

This is generally very costly and time consuming as well as often requiring outside specialist contractors and large amounts of lime or cement being delivered from hundreds of Kilometres away (often in short supply).

 The remedy for this is the use of PolyCom Stabilising Aid to treat existing pavement material in-situ which will provide strength, increase the existing pavement as well as reduce water ingress which enables the existing pavement material to meet specifications required.


PolyCom Stabilising Aid can be used by simply grader mixing with your existing crew using only a Grader, Water Cart and roller. There is no requirement Stabilising machines or bulk tankers or external machinery.

PolyCom is environment and OHS Compliant. It will not harm flora and fauna or cause any damage to machinery or humans. Our 2Kg Packs of PolyCom are equivalent to 2 Ton of lime or cement used at 2% dosage rate.

PolyCom treated pavements do not block, crack, resist water, ingress and provide a strong water resistant running surface.

Our customers are giving us feedback that they are realising cost savings of 30 to 50 percent per Kilometre when using PolyCom on sealed or unsealed road construction and maintenance.

 We have been supplying PolyCom Stabilising Aid to our customers for the last 20 Years. PolyCom Stabilising Aid is Australian made By Biocentral Laboratories in Adelaide Australia.

Start saving funds and resources as well as helping the environment by joining those in the know of a better and more environmentally sound way of working.

The only thing you will lose are complaints about your road conditions or standards. Give us a try and be impressed by the results.