Wine Processing | Data Logging Solutions
Wine Processing | Data Logging Solutions

MadgeTech offers data loggers specifically for wine processors to monitor temperature and humidity exposure throughout production steps, shipping and storage.


Wine begins its journey in a vineyard. Unsurprisingly, this is also where environmental monitoring begins. As with all types of agriculture, environmental monitoring plays an important role in ensuring conditions remain favourable for proper growth and plant development. MadgeTech’s line of environmental data loggers can monitor temperature, wind speed and additionally monitor rainfall.

Rainfall Data Logging System

The Rain101A is a complete system to accurately measure and record rainfall over long periods of time. The Rain101A can record up to 6 inches of rainfall every hour and 131 inches of rainfall total. The Rain101A only records to memory when rainfall is present,  maximizing the amount of time the system can record. The Rain101A features a 10 year battery life, 4 Hz reading rate, a multiple start/
stop function and 406,323 reading storage capacity.
The Rain101A comes complete with an Rain101A data logger, weatherproof enclosure, tipping bucket rain gauge, 50 ft of cable and the IFC200 interface cable and software package.


Wind Speed Data Logging System

The Wind101A is a complete system to accurately measure and record wind speed. The Wind101A data logger can measure and record data for up to 500,000 readings. The device can be started and stopped directly from a computer with the user-friendly MadgeTech software.
This wind speed recording system comes complete with the Wind101A data logger, weatherproof enclosure, a three-cup anemometer and all the necessary cabling to quickly get up-and-running.




Fermentation and Bottling

The MicroTemp is a miniature, submersible temperature data logger. At only 2.6 in (66 mm) tall and 0.7 in (18 mm) in diameter, this recorder can placed within fermentation tanks or easily fit into most beverage bottles to monitor and record temperature from -40 ºF to +176 ºF (-40 ºC to +80 ºC) through the entire wine processing cycle. The MicroTemp’s stainless steel casing makes it inert to most common fluids and
operates with user-replaceable batteries for to up one year.

Processing Applications

The HiTemp140 series of data loggers are designed to be used in a wide range of wine processing applications. The versatile data loggers can operate in temperatures as high as 284 °F (140 °C) and are completely submersible. The food-grade stainless steel enclosure is available with rigid and flexible probe models, depending on the application requirements. A variety of flexible and ambient probe combinations are available.

Cleaning Verification and Validation

The HiTemp140-M12 data logger and CIP Probe are designed to be used in wine processing plants where clean-in-place applications need to be verified and validated. CIP applications frequently require high temperature sanitizing methods. The HiTemp 140-M12 and CIP probe offer accurate temperature readings that can be integrated with the MadgeTech Software for real-time monitoring. When using the CIP Probe, the logger is capable of measuring temperatures of up to 500°F. The logger can be programmed for immediate start or delayed start up to 18 months in advance.




Portable Temperature and Humidity Monitoring

Most wine damage occurs during transport due to lack of monitoring. To make sure wine quality is preserved, the TransiTempII can be placed in wine crates for temperature monitoring while wine is being shipped or stored. For temperature and humidity monitoring, the TransiTempII-RH is an ideal solution. The TransiTempII and TransiTempII-RH are low cost, splash proof temperature data logger that are ideal for shipping applications between the range of -40 °F to +176 °F (-40 °C to +80 °C). It is equipped with three LED’s, green to signify that the logger is recording, orange indicates the user-set warning limits have been breached, and red indicates when the temperature alarm limits have been exceeded. 

Shock and Vibration Monitoring

Like Temperature, vibrations can also spoil wine. If the wine bottle experiences severe vibration while shipping, it can introduce kinetic energy into the wine, which can chemically alter the wine. If long distance shipping is required, using a shock monitoring data logger can validate that the shipment remained safe. The UltraShock is specifically designed for documenting dynamic environments such as moving vehicles during wine transportation. When the device is running, the shock parameter samples at 512 Hz and at the user specified reading rate, the device writes the peak values (g-force) from the samples to memory. The device can be started and stopped directly from your computer for easy access to data and its small size allows it to fit almost anywhere. 


Wireless Wine Cellar Monitoring

MadgeTech has designed the 2000A wireless series which are capable of monitoring the temperatures of wine cellars, coolers and warehouses. This series includes a digital display to see the current reading, as well as minimum, maximum and average statistics based on the data recorded to memory. Data is also sent wirelessly back to a central PC through the RFC1000 mesh network.

The device in this series also include an audible alarm to alert users in close proximity. If the temperature or humidity exceeds the safe range, the audible alarm alerts the user to take immediate action. 

The RFRHTemp2000A is a wireless temperature and humidity data logger. It is ideal for monitoring warehouses and other temperature and humidity sensitive environments. The RFTCTemp2000A is a wireless thermocouple based temperature data logger. This device can measure both ambient temperature as well as thermocouple temperature and can be used for coolers, freezers, and more.