Durable PVC door for mining application

A recent project in Country NSW saw the provision of two RL3000E High Speed Doors into a Gold Mine Ore Extraction Plant. DMF were able to manufacture, supply and install the solution.

This application was part of a truck drive through loading area, requiring a doorway at each end to be enclosed and sealed. The selection of the Rapid Roll Door located at either end of the facility, enabled to control dust, particularly during the truck loading process.

The Series RL3000 Door provided

  • Fast speed
  • Durability to the dusty environment
  • Wind protection
  • Simple functionality

Apart from the very remote location, this application had a number of challenges to be considered. Notably high wind, extremes in temperature, high dust levels, and a required level of robustness for a Rapid Roll Door in a Mining application. The door had to be also simple in its operation, without too many “bells & whistles”.   The Series RL3000E Door was the ideal choice for this application and to withstand the anticipated wind loads, each door was constructed with additional support.  The roller assembly and drive unit were all full enclosed to prevent any damage from dust ingress, with an IP65 braked drive motor.

To keep things simple, door activation was by push button only with push to hold on closing. This adverted the need for additional safety sensors, which would have required constant cleaning in the dusty environment. It also provides the end user with complete control of the opening & closing of the door.

With the door panel finished in Green with a contrasting safety bottom skirt in yellow, our client was delighted with the product, the installation technicians,and ultimately having achieved all the required objectives and requirements.