CRC Contact 2000 has been specially developed as an effective alternative to CFC 113 based cleaners.
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CRC Contact 2000 is chemically inert, non-flammable and has thermal stability with rapid and complete evaporation. Contains no lubricants, CFC’s or Methyl Chloroform. CRC Contact 2000 removes light contaminants, atmospheric oils, dust and lint from precision electrical/electronic equipment. Leaves no residue to increase resistance. Safe on most plastics. When CRC Contact 2000 is used on lubricated, rotating, sliding or stepping contacts, it is recommended to apply CRC 2.26 to replace lubrication.
Boiling Point 54°C
Freezing Point -131°C
Density @25°C (g/cm3) 1.55
Viscosity @25°C (cps) 0.59
Surface Tension @25°C (dyne/cm) 16.2
Latent heat of vaporisation @BP (cal/g) 34.6
Relative evaporation rate (Ether=100) 90
Specific heat 0.24
Flash Point None
Kauri-Butanol Value 31
Pack Size for Electronic Cleaning Solution - CRC Contact 2000
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CRC Contact 2000 is chemically inert, non-flammable and has thermal stability with rapid and complete evaporation. Contains no lubricants, CFC’s or Methyl Chloroform. CRC Contact 2000 removes light contaminants, atmospheric oils, dust and lint from precision electrical/electronic equipment. Leaves no residue to increase resistance. Safe on most plastics. When CRC Contact 2000 is used on lubricated, rotating, sliding or stepping contacts, it is recommended to apply CRC 2.26 to replace lubrication.
Boiling Point 54°C
Freezing Point -131°C
Density @25°C (g/cm3) 1.55
Viscosity @25°C (cps) 0.59
Surface Tension @25°C (dyne/cm) 16.2
Latent heat of vaporisation @BP (cal/g) 34.6
Relative evaporation rate (Ether=100) 90
Specific heat 0.24
Flash Point None
Kauri-Butanol Value 31
Pack Size for Electronic Cleaning Solution - CRC Contact 2000