ELCC - AC supply presence failure detection transducer
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The ELCC is a simple transducer for detecting presence or failure of an AC supply. An isolated contact is provided which indicates AC available if closed and AC absent or failed if open.
The ELCC is intended for use with GenII transmitters types GC60, GS24/GD241 and GS34/8/GD34/82.
This state change can be detected and interpreted by the logger as an alarm condition, so that the logger alarm relay will provide a contact closure or send an SMS alarm message if configured.
Example Application
A user needs to know if power is interrupted to a freezer before the temperature changes puts the contents at risk.
The ELCC therefore avoids the use of a seperate transmitter for this purpose and can save costs.
The ELCC can also be used with transmitters reporting to any receiver logger e.g. RX250AL, RX250ALD, SC250 or WSR (Wireless Sensor Receiver) or RC250 receiver with serial output.
The transducer comprises a high quality 5V power supply with regional adaptor and 2m lead to a potted relay providing the contact closure when the 5VDC is applied.
A bright yellow LED indicates power is on.
A 1m PVC lead is supplied unterminated. The lead can be made off to the spare connector of the various transmitters indicated above.
When used with GD24 a mini thermocouple plug will be required to terminate the ELCC lead.
The power supply is suitable for operation AC100/230V 43 to 60Hz. Power consumption is approximately 1W.
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The ELCC is a simple transducer for detecting presence or failure of an AC supply. An isolated contact is provided which indicates AC available if closed and AC absent or failed if open.
The ELCC is intended for use with GenII transmitters types GC60, GS24/GD241 and GS34/8/GD34/82.
This state change can be detected and interpreted by the logger as an alarm condition, so that the logger alarm relay will provide a contact closure or send an SMS alarm message if configured.
Example Application
A user needs to know if power is interrupted to a freezer before the temperature changes puts the contents at risk.
The ELCC therefore avoids the use of a seperate transmitter for this purpose and can save costs.
The ELCC can also be used with transmitters reporting to any receiver logger e.g. RX250AL, RX250ALD, SC250 or WSR (Wireless Sensor Receiver) or RC250 receiver with serial output.
The transducer comprises a high quality 5V power supply with regional adaptor and 2m lead to a potted relay providing the contact closure when the 5VDC is applied.
A bright yellow LED indicates power is on.
A 1m PVC lead is supplied unterminated. The lead can be made off to the spare connector of the various transmitters indicated above.
When used with GD24 a mini thermocouple plug will be required to terminate the ELCC lead.
The power supply is suitable for operation AC100/230V 43 to 60Hz. Power consumption is approximately 1W.
Customers: Hospitals, Pharmacies, Government Departments.
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