Rack Mount & Static Transfer Switches

Static Power

Static PowerRack Mount & Static Transfer Switches

Rack Mount & Static Transfer Switches



Over the last 16 years Static Power pty ltd in Australia under the banner of iSTS has been manufacturing a comprehensive range of mature fully Solid State “Static Transfer Switches”.Our focus on research and development is evident by the use of modern techniques and technology, enabling us to ...View more

Over the last 16 years Static Power pty ltd in Australia under the banner of iSTS has been manufacturing a comprehensive range of mature fully Solid State “Static Transfer Switches”.

Our focus on research and development is evident by the use of modern techniques and technology, enabling us to produce a series of state-of-the-art Static Transfer Switches ranging from the 10 Ampere Rack Mounted type to free standing units in excess of 2500 Amperes.

All of our units offer a full range of features such as intelligent microprocessor control, small physical size, robustness and reliability.

iSTS Manufacturing does not compromise on quality or performance and provides technically superior products at a competitive price.

Our range of products are also backed up with the industry’s longest product warranty and support scheme, further reducing the risk to your business

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Latest Supervisory Control

All units have the latest supervisory, control and data acquisition capability. Clear real world displays and interfaces ensure that every aspect of an integrated environment is catered for.

Local & International Manufacturing

Up until 2014 all product was assembled in Australia, but since then to meet the global demand a second assembly plant in China has helped reduce product cost and increased product support and delivery capability. Our products have been designed to meet the requirements of international standards like RCM, EN, CE, UL, KC, CSA..

Track Record of Innovation

Here at Static Power we’ve invested heavily in R&D resulting in a stream of innovative STSs. Having specialized in only Static Transfer Switches we’ve become experts. We design and manufacture the smallest fully featured highest MTBF products in their class.
We’re continuing to work hard to make product more efficiently, honing our manufacturing processes to improve yield and reduce cost to buyer.

Our Customers

Anywhere where critical power is essential you’ll be sure to find us. From telecom, defence, hospitals, airports, banking, IT and industrial processes our customers rely on us and the reliability of our products.


With continual investment, innovation and new products and services we get to be one step closer to realizing our ambition to be number one in our sector.

Diverse Application

Our i-STS products are utilised wherever critical power is essential for safety and operational processes.

-Critical IT operations
-Power generation plants
-Airport systems control
-Railway signaling
-Banking & commerce
-Building security
-Automated manufacturing
-Space exploration & tracking
-Road infrastructure
-Retail distribution centres

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