Fuel Cleaning systems, Robots for plastics. ...

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Mitchell Industries
Verified 5 years

Mitchell IndustriesFuel Cleaning systems, Robots for plastics.

Verified 5 years

Fuel Cleaning systems, Robots for plastics.


Mitchell Industries is the machinery import division of Gecam industries.We started in 1993 and we aim to offer premium plastics processing machinery to the plastics industry in Australia and NZ. In some areas, we can offer some of this machinery in SE Asia.We are a manufacture, exporter, and ...View more

Mitchell Industries is the machinery import division of Gecam industries.

We started in 1993 and we aim to offer premium plastics processing machinery to the plastics industry in Australia and NZ. In some areas, we can offer some of this machinery in SE Asia.

We are a manufacture, exporter, and importer of machinery and industrial parts

Lets us help you Innovate and improve your efficiency in your plastics production. To lift your bottom line profits.

Our leak tester manufacturing unit has won expert awards in 2012 and an Australian Award in 2013.

WINNER in 2012 and 2013. Made in Australia category of the Australian & New Zealand Plastics Industry Achievement Awards.

Plus Export category of the Australian & New Zealand Plastics Industry Achievement Awards.

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