Lightweight single fibreglass ladder manufactured to the Australian and New Zealand Standards AS/NZS 1892 to reach high places at commercial and industrial sites
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Side rails made from fibreglass pultrusions for use where electrical hazards may exists.
All aluminium components have been anodised for better corrosion resistance and lower retention of dirt and grime.
The fastening method has been specifically chosen for each joint on the ladder to ensure your ladder won’t “loosen up” over time
Pole chain fitted as standard.
Braced bottom step.
Safety anti-slip rungs and feet.
A 5-year warranty for faulty materials or workmanship is provided, enhanced by a 10 year warranty for all structural aluminium components.
Manufactured to Australian and New Zealand Standards AS/NZS 1892
We stock the full range of INDALEX Pro Series Fibreglass Single Ladders, models available include:
INDALEX Pro Series Fibreglass Single Ladder 8ft, 2.4m
INDALEX Pro Series Fibreglass Single Ladder 10ft, 3.0m
INDALEX Pro Series Fibreglass Single Ladder 12ft, 3.7m
INDALEX Pro Series Fibreglass Single Ladder 14ft, 4.3m
INDALEX Pro Series Fibreglass Single Ladder 16ft, 4.9m
To contact Ladder Central about Indalex Fibreglass Single Ladder | Pro Series use Get a quote.
Side rails made from fibreglass pultrusions for use where electrical hazards may exists.
All aluminium components have been anodised for better corrosion resistance and lower retention of dirt and grime.
The fastening method has been specifically chosen for each joint on the ladder to ensure your ladder won’t “loosen up” over time
Pole chain fitted as standard.
Braced bottom step.
Safety anti-slip rungs and feet.
A 5-year warranty for faulty materials or workmanship is provided, enhanced by a 10 year warranty for all structural aluminium components.
Manufactured to Australian and New Zealand Standards AS/NZS 1892
We stock the full range of INDALEX Pro Series Fibreglass Single Ladders, models available include:
INDALEX Pro Series Fibreglass Single Ladder 8ft, 2.4m
INDALEX Pro Series Fibreglass Single Ladder 10ft, 3.0m
INDALEX Pro Series Fibreglass Single Ladder 12ft, 3.7m
INDALEX Pro Series Fibreglass Single Ladder 14ft, 4.3m
INDALEX Pro Series Fibreglass Single Ladder 16ft, 4.9m
Customers: Bluescope Steel, Mouchel, Small-Medium Businesses, Government Agencies
Trade With Confidence. The supplier of this item is approved as a Verified Supplier. Business registration, contact details and locations have been verified. Ladder Central are also proudly displaying these credentials:
Bluescope Steel, Mouchel, Small-Medium Businesses, Government Agencies