Project Management Software Solutions
Project Management Software Solutions
Who we are: IPM Global is a Project Management software development company that specialises in developing current platform business software for the project related industries. What we do: IPM Global develops software built on the Microsoft Dynamics XRM development environment ...View more
Who we are:
IPM Global is a Project Management software development company that specialises in developing current platform business software for the project related industries.
What we do:
IPM Global develops software built on the Microsoft Dynamics XRM development environment and delivers it to the marketplace via the Certified Microsoft Partner Community.
What we provide:
A fully integrated Project Management Tool built on the Microsoft Dynamics XRM Development framework and integrates seamlessly to a variety of back office ERP Solutions. This solution is delivered regionally by our partners.
Our background:
IPM Global directors have worked in the construction and project management related industries for over 20 years. In that time we have sold, supported and developed applications in the micro-verticals of this industry group and understand the IT challenges facing the industry.
Our view is that it’s about time the Industry was offered a full end to end solution on a current platform, that project staff actually WANT to use and allows them to work in an environment they know well.
We believe we have delivered on this ideal.
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