The ETM770-x provides a bright OLED screen to ensure you can read the key parameters from your cellular network even in bright sunlight.The device can be locked to a single carrier or frequency band or can scan multiple carriers and bands. A SIM card is required to access the cellular networks and ETM can provide a single roaming SIM to access multiple carriers at a low monthly cost.
You can view the ETM770-x at
ETM Pacific provides a cloud-based device and data management platform called, which will capture the data from your ETM770-x for display and analysis at a later date. This could be utilsed as an audit trail to show a reliable service was available at the time of installation of your router or other cellular device.
You can can view the demonstration site at
UserName -
Password - Etm12345
If you have any questions please feel free to call or email ETM Pacific for more information.