The Ruelco High/ Low Pressure Switch Assembly is a fully function safety system in a small compact package. It combines the pressure switches together in a pneumatic circuit to provide protection against a rise or drop in process pressure
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Features of this product
316 stainless steel construction (models to N.A.C.E MR0175 available)
Standard base range 10-10,000 psi (with 1/4" piston option)
Operating pressure range from .5 to 20,000 psi
Holds constant and accurate set points.
Specifications of this product
Instrument connection ports: 1/4" FNPT
Bottom process connection: 1/2" FNPT
Side test connection: 1/4" FNPT
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Features of this product
316 stainless steel construction (models to N.A.C.E MR0175 available)
Standard base range 10-10,000 psi (with 1/4" piston option)