PT124B-227 Osmometer comes with wireless Transmission mode. It adopts superb encapsulation technology and perfect assembly process to make sure the products of long-term work under high stability without leakage. The sand control cap in front provides great protection for the sensor behind.The vent tube is connected with testing medium by polymer isolation plug.
Applications for this product
This instrument is used in building automation, Metallurgical, mechanical, environmental protection, technical performance medical, petrochemical pipeline pressure measurement, automatic control and test system.
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PT124B-227 Osmometer comes with wireless Transmission mode. It adopts superb encapsulation technology and perfect assembly process to make sure the products of long-term work under high stability without leakage. The sand control cap in front provides great protection for the sensor behind.The vent tube is connected with testing medium by polymer isolation plug.
Applications for this product
This instrument is used in building automation, Metallurgical, mechanical, environmental protection, technical performance medical, petrochemical pipeline pressure measurement, automatic control and test system.
Distribution: All Over the world. Specifically AU& NZ
Location: Knoxfied, VIC
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