Cold Wash Parts Washer
Cold Wash Parts Washer
Mike Genders, creator of the Warthog Washer and Enviroclean, has owned an engineering workshop for most of his adult life and during that time it became obvious there was a need for an inexpensive, effective and environmentally friendly way to clean workshop parts.Previous to the Warthog the only ...View more
Mike Genders, creator of the Warthog Washer and Enviroclean, has owned an engineering workshop for most of his adult life and during that time it became obvious there was a need for an inexpensive, effective and environmentally friendly way to clean workshop parts.
Previous to the Warthog the only option for automatic parts washers had been a caustic water based hot wash. These are expensive to run and need constant servicing particularly under a heavy workload. Using a water base also means fine particles in the solution can dry on the parts which requires the use of rust inhibitor. When cleaning internal parts, after every hot wash a hand wash in degreaser is also necessary.
It became clear that a hot wash not only resulted in higher energy bills but also created it’s own set of inefficient processes too.
Hence the beginning of Mike's development of the Warthog Parts Washer.
He designed and built the Warthog Parts Washer to eliminate these issues. Being a cold wash it’s inexpensive and safe to operate and using a degreaser as the cleaning agent leaves your parts clean and ready to use after one wash only. Even with a heavy workload, servicing is significantly reduced with a Warthog compared to a water based hot wash.
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