When we think of cleaning machines, we associate them with loud noises but what if cleaning could be done in silence? You can still achieve the same exceptional cleaning finish but without disturbing anyone. Therefore, the Surevac Elite Silent Walk Behind was introduced to the market!
Facilities such as aged care homes, schools, or residential homes where noise is expected to be kept to the minimum can highly benefit from a silent carpet extractor like this! The Silent Elite is beneficial to both commercial and residential uses by contract cleaners, plus it saves a lot of time and effort!
How quiet is the Surevac Silent Elite Carpet Extractor?
The Elite-Silent is a very silent machine as it only utilises 60 Decibels.. but what is a decibel? Decibels is a unit to measure the intensity of a sound, see our table below to show that the Surevac Silent Elite is the green sound zone level, demonstrating that it won’t cause annoyance to people in its surroundings.

Key Benefits of the Elite Silent:

Facilities you can use the Elite Silent:
Why is the Surevac Elite Silent the best carpet extractor for these facilities?
When cleaning an aged care facility, your faced with some obstacles such as time and noise. Aged care workers have little time as their top priority and their focus is to look after their residents which means the time to clean in aged care home is kept to a minimum. The Surevac Elite carpet extractor is the best choice as due to its large cleaning capacity the carpet extractor can cover a large area in a short amount of time, without the need to constantly to stop and empty the tank.
Another feature of the carpet extractor is only utilising 60 decibels, the silence of this machine is also beneficial in other facilities such as homes, gyms and schools as cleaning be done anytime due to not disturbing clients at these facilities. Additionally, with its feature of the 3 stage high water lift vacuum motor you can be certain that this carpet extractor will clean your facility the best, by extracting the maximum dirty and drying in the shortest time. This allows the cleaner to get cleaning done in a shorter amount of time whilst their client can still get on with their usual day! By choosing the Surevac Elite Silent walk behind you can save time and money whilst also getting the best cleaning results!
What Surevac Elite Silent options are available for you?
The Surevac Elite comes in two options: electric and battery-powered but which one is best for your facility? Below we highlight the benefits of each one
- Cleans up to 500 square metres in one hour
- Cleans both carpet and hard floors
- Squeegee connected to the machine
- Tanks are 50 litres
- 3 stages high water lift vacuum motor
- Adjustable height of rotating brushes according to dirt degree
- Water Flow can be regulated
- Compact battery machine
- Cleans up to 500 square metres in one hour
- 3 stages high water lift vacuum motor
- Adjustable brush and vacuum head pressure to the type of carpet
- Water Flow can be regulated
- Ready for work with patented SMARTKIT system
If the facilities, you clean have multiple power outlets that don’t affect your performance cleaning then this machine is the right one for you! Although very similar in its specification as outlined prior for battery powered operated carpet extractor. If your facility has minimal power outlets that could affect your performance and time to clean, then the battery-powered one might be the best option for you!