Workplace traffic management encourages new safety culture at the Real Pet Food Company

When the Real Pet Food Company wanted to implement an effective traffic management plan, it contacted A-SAFE to provide a comprehensive solution. 


The Real Pet Food Company is a manufacturer of high-quality all-natural tinned dog and cat food. The company has multiple manufacturing sites across Australia and New Zealand. It makes dry food, wet food and treats.


Having expanded and gone through multiple changes of ownership over the last thirty years, the company’s Ingleburn site had no clearly defined traffic routes either for pedestrians or the growing fleet of forklifts in operation. When Sue Wood became Site Manager, she identified the need to formalise traffic management at the facility. Her team mapped out all the high-traffic areas of the site and created designated routes for pedestrians and forklifts throughout. The routes were marked with painted lines and visible signage. However, the company decided to search for more robust solutions. It wanted to source polymer safety barriers to physically separate pedestrians from vehicle traffic. There were already several existing steel barriers in place, but these were showing considerable signs of wear and floor damage. 


A-SAFE was asked to carry out a test installation at the site. Following a very successful trial, the Real Pet Food Company commissioned A-SAFE to install safety barriers throughout its warehouse and canning plant to complement the floor markings and signage. However, the installation did not end there. Additional safety products were also installed to protect infrastructure and valuable assets, such as the company’s new forklift truck charging stations. After much success, the Real Pet Food Company has requested similar installations for its sites in Dubbo, Somersby and Yatala in Queensland, Australia.

“It’s starting to look and feel safer, and the team have taken it on board. There really wasn’t any history of a strong safety culture, but that’s been uplifted with the changes. Now we’re seeing everyone taking responsibility for their own safety and for the safety of the rest of the team.”

-Sue Wood, Real Pet Food Company