ANTNI500 500g Nickel Anti-Seize Lubricant - A premium grade anti-seize compound which is particularly suited for use on stainless steel components.
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Recommended for use where copper based products can not be used e.g. where temperatures exceed 1100°C, where electrolytic corrosion occurs, in the presence of ammonia and for general use as an anti-seize agent on stainless steel or part stainless steel components.
Protects against chemical conditions and chemical attack
Resists temperatures up to 1425°C
Prevents galling and seizure during assembly
Ideal for use on stainless steel and nickel alloys
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Recommended for use where copper based products can not be used e.g. where temperatures exceed 1100°C, where electrolytic corrosion occurs, in the presence of ammonia and for general use as an anti-seize agent on stainless steel or part stainless steel components.