The BenchMark ® 320 is an economical, fully programmable alternative to old-fashioned permanent marking techniques.
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This complete system, with self-contained controller and extruded aluminum marking head mounting post and base, is the right choice for many stand-alone bench top marking applications.
An ELECTROMECHANICAL marking pin eliminates the need for any air supply, making it easy to move the Benchmark ® 320 from one work area to another.
Features of Pin Marking System - BenchMark® 320
Large 100 x 150mm marking window
Variable Text Height from 1 to 100mm
2-D Barcodes can be created
High quality, permanent, programmable marking on a wide range of materials from soft plastics to hard metals up to Rc60
Unique marking arm design allows clear access for loading and unloading of parts.
Electromechanical marking pin eliminates the need for air supply
Compact, convenient TMC420 controller - NO seperate PC required
Automatically generates serial numbers, time, date and shift codes.
Optional Barcode Scanner for error proofing input of text/Part No's.
To contact Nichol Industries about BenchMark 320. Bench Mounted Electric Pinstamping System use Get a quote.
This complete system, with self-contained controller and extruded aluminum marking head mounting post and base, is the right choice for many stand-alone bench top marking applications.
An ELECTROMECHANICAL marking pin eliminates the need for any air supply, making it easy to move the Benchmark ® 320 from one work area to another.
Features of Pin Marking System - BenchMark® 320
Large 100 x 150mm marking window
Variable Text Height from 1 to 100mm
2-D Barcodes can be created
High quality, permanent, programmable marking on a wide range of materials from soft plastics to hard metals up to Rc60
Unique marking arm design allows clear access for loading and unloading of parts.
Electromechanical marking pin eliminates the need for air supply
Compact, convenient TMC420 controller - NO seperate PC required
Automatically generates serial numbers, time, date and shift codes.
Optional Barcode Scanner for error proofing input of text/Part No's.