CNC Milling Machine | Production System | Chevalier FTC-1320V
CNC Milling Machine | Production System | Chevalier FTC-1320V
CNC Milling Machine | Production System | Chevalier FTC-1320V
CNC Milling Machine | Production System | Chevalier FTC-1320V
CNC Milling Machine | Production System | Chevalier FTC-1320V
High speed swing pallet Production System.
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CNC Milling Machine | Production System | Chevalier FTC-1320V is a high speed production machine. High precision and accurate X, Y & Z axes movements using linear bearings on the slideways. Tool change times are only 0.8 seconds tool to tool. High productivity is helped by the swing pallet system allowing jobs to be set up while still machining.
500 x 320 x 250mm (X, Y, Z)
BT30 Spindle Taper
15,000 rpm
650 x 365mm table
Fanuc Oi-MC Control
16 Station Double Arm Type ATC
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CNC Milling Machine | Production System | Chevalier FTC-1320V is a high speed production machine. High precision and accurate X, Y & Z axes movements using linear bearings on the slideways. Tool change times are only 0.8 seconds tool to tool. High productivity is helped by the swing pallet system allowing jobs to be set up while still machining.