DIN Rail Static Transfer Switch for Industry & Building Monitoring Systems

Protect against UPS / Battery failures by providing your critical loads with an alternative power source. The Model R, Rail Mount, provides transparent switching ensuring no power interruptions

Rated at 16 Amperes, the Model R is a true Solid State Static Transfer Switch for critical power applications where power can not be lost due to incorrect switching and or UPS failures. This unit ahs an extraordinary MTBF of 800,000 Hours made possible by smart engineering and implementation. 100% designed and manufactured in Australia

The Model R fits onto a DIN rail is 200mm long x 90mm 60 mm and has all of the features usually only found on large free-standing STSs

  • Manual Control from the front panel
  • Load power consumption indication
  • Preferred Souce selection
  • LED bi-colour Mimic and audible & visual alarm
  • Remote Monitoring contact with inbuilt front panel diagnostic reporting 
  • Optional LAN providing HTTP, SNMP, Modbus TCP, Email Alert, NTP and more using 36/50mm wide add on DIN module
  • Optional Volt Free Contact providing a further 5 off volt free change-over voltage contacts and 2/3 remote control inputs using 50mm wide add on DIN module
  • Optional DIN rail mounted  Maintenance Bypass Switch 
  • Suitable for 230V and 115 V AC 50 or 60Hz