Lock n Lift Maintenance Handle | Heavy Vehicle Safety
Lock n Lift Maintenance Handle | Heavy Vehicle Safety
Lock n Lift Maintenance Handle | Heavy Vehicle Safety
Lock n Lift Maintenance Handle | Heavy Vehicle Safety
Lock n Lift Maintenance Handle | Heavy Vehicle Safety
Lock n Lift Maintenance Handle | Heavy Vehicle Safety
Lock n Lift Maintenance Handle | Heavy Vehicle Safety
The “Lock n Lift” Handle has been designed to attach in any position around the LOCK RING within seconds without the Tyre fitter needing to touch or grip the LOCK RING .
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Each handle will connect on either side of a One Piece Lock Ring or a Two Piece Lock Ring fitted with Limiter Clamps, and is designed to be removed as easily as when fitted. Because the handle uses its own Patent Pending quick lock and release system, there is no need for any bolts or retaining screws and when locked onto the Lock Ring allows the Tyre Fitter to safely lift, carry and position the Lock Ring on the inner or the outer wheel rim.
Tuff Safe and Tuff by Design, the “Lock n Lift” Lock Ring Handle is another product helping to protect Tyre Serviceman from Hazards and dangers associated with Tyre Maintenance whilst also promoting more efficient and safer workplace environments.
Features & Benefits
Quick and easy to use
No Fixings or Bolts
Safely locks into place in seconds
For use on two piece and single lock rings - both sides
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Each handle will connect on either side of a One Piece Lock Ring or a Two Piece Lock Ring fitted with Limiter Clamps, and is designed to be removed as easily as when fitted. Because the handle uses its own Patent Pending quick lock and release system, there is no need for any bolts or retaining screws and when locked onto the Lock Ring allows the Tyre Fitter to safely lift, carry and position the Lock Ring on the inner or the outer wheel rim.
Tuff Safe and Tuff by Design, the “Lock n Lift” Lock Ring Handle is another product helping to protect Tyre Serviceman from Hazards and dangers associated with Tyre Maintenance whilst also promoting more efficient and safer workplace environments.
Features & Benefits
Quick and easy to use
No Fixings or Bolts
Safely locks into place in seconds
For use on two piece and single lock rings - both sides
Distribution: Australia, New Zealand & South East Asia
Location: Seven Hills, NSW
Customers: Rio Tinto, Hastings Deering, QAL, BHP, Toyota Materials Handling, JCB, Hitachi, Komatsu
Trade With Confidence. The supplier of this item is approved as a Verified Supplier. Business registration, contact details and locations have been verified. Safety MITS are also proudly displaying these credentials:
Rio Tinto, Hastings Deering, QAL, BHP, Toyota Materials Handling, JCB, Hitachi, Komatsu