Minipack International’s Horizontal Flow Wrapping Machines pack individual products, such as bakery items, confectionary, refrigerated products and household items in a completely sealed pillow or envelope of plastic film or foil. Flow Wrapping are highly efficient packing machines that can be used in any form of packaging application.
To contact Minipack International about Minipack Horizontal Flow Wrappers 450 use Get a quote.
Minipack Flow Wrap 450
Minipack International’s Horizontal Flow Wrapping Machines pack individual products, such as bakery items, confectionary, refrigerated products and household items in a completely sealed pillow or envelope of plastic film or foil. Flow Wrapping are highly efficient packing machines that can be used in any form of packaging application.
Distribution: Australia, New Zealand, Asia Pacific, Worldwide
Location: Campbellfield, VIC
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