The interference or electronic "noise" generated by alternators, ignition systems, motors, etc., can render a vehicle's radio, data receivers or other electronic equipment virtually useless.
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This interference takes the form of popping or static on radios or audio gear and garbled images or "hash" on video displays.
These specialised filters can be used singly or in combination to attenuate conducted line noise, either at the affected equipment or at the noise source. The "PC" models feature inductor and capacitor circuit that filters both the "+" and "–" leads. The "IF" model utilises an inductor and filters the "+" lead only.
Features of the Newmar Noise Filter:
Heavy duty aluminum construction
Operate on 6-48 VDC systems
Integral mounting flanges for secure installation, except model IF-16 which is secured in place by tie-wrap
Nickel-plated brass stud connectors on alternator filters accommodate high current cables and terminals
Colour coded wire leads on all other models make in-line installation easy
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This interference takes the form of popping or static on radios or audio gear and garbled images or "hash" on video displays.
These specialised filters can be used singly or in combination to attenuate conducted line noise, either at the affected equipment or at the noise source. The "PC" models feature inductor and capacitor circuit that filters both the "+" and "–" leads. The "IF" model utilises an inductor and filters the "+" lead only.
Features of the Newmar Noise Filter:
Heavy duty aluminum construction
Operate on 6-48 VDC systems
Integral mounting flanges for secure installation, except model IF-16 which is secured in place by tie-wrap
Nickel-plated brass stud connectors on alternator filters accommodate high current cables and terminals
Colour coded wire leads on all other models make in-line installation easy