Multifunctional Safety Relay for Smaller Machines | PSR-MXF
Multifunctional Safety Relay for Smaller Machines | PSR-MXF
Multifunctional Safety Relay for Smaller Machines | PSR-MXF
Multifunctional Safety Relay for Smaller Machines | PSR-MXF
Multifunctional Safety Relay for Smaller Machines | PSR-MXF
The PSR-MXF Multifunctional Safety Relay for Smaller Machines from Phoenix Contact monitors up to three safety functions in one module and are therefore particularly suited to smaller machine applications.
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Features and Benefits of the PSR-MXF Multifunctional Safety Relay for Smaller Machines:
Safety-related control circuits with up to PLe or SILCL 3 can be created with the relays.
The new product range comprises of four different special function modules, with three terminal block versions each.
Different protection areas can be monitored in one machine, thanks to two local sensor circuits.
Safety concepts are thereby simplified and machine productivity is increased.
Furthermore, the relay has a higher-level sensor circuit, which can be used for emergency stop signals, for example.
All relevant sensors can be monitored, such as mechanical emergency stop signals or safety door locking, light grids, and magnetic switches.
The device does not need to be configured and for this reason, is particularly easy to maintain.
The push-in fast connection technology enables tool-free installation which in turn reduces start-up times.
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Features and Benefits of the PSR-MXF Multifunctional Safety Relay for Smaller Machines:
Safety-related control circuits with up to PLe or SILCL 3 can be created with the relays.
The new product range comprises of four different special function modules, with three terminal block versions each.
Different protection areas can be monitored in one machine, thanks to two local sensor circuits.
Safety concepts are thereby simplified and machine productivity is increased.
Furthermore, the relay has a higher-level sensor circuit, which can be used for emergency stop signals, for example.
All relevant sensors can be monitored, such as mechanical emergency stop signals or safety door locking, light grids, and magnetic switches.
The device does not need to be configured and for this reason, is particularly easy to maintain.
The push-in fast connection technology enables tool-free installation which in turn reduces start-up times.