When a customer required a system to monitor and control circuit breakers in Low Voltage Electrical Distribution and Reticulation systems, MAXIFLEX was selected as the RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) and mounted on to poles countrywide in the harshest of conditions.
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The Remote Terminal Units | Pole Mounted was controlled and monitored via radio networks from a central control station. Over 100 complete RTU's were supplied.
Features of Remote Terminal Units | Pole Mounted:
Solar panels or 23Vac powered
Full peer-to-peer radio comms with "digipeating" to reach RTU's out of radio contact with the Control Centre.
RTU Configuration stored in a "dongle" allowing easy field maintenance.
For further information about Remote Terminal Units | Pole Mounted visit Omniflex at http://www.omniflex.com/
Use the IndustrySearch e-mail feature below and one of the Omniflex team will respond to your enquiry directly.
Reliable Products & Solutions In Industrial Instrumentation
To contact Omniflex about Remote Terminal Units (RTU) | Pole Mounted use Get a quote.
The Remote Terminal Units | Pole Mounted was controlled and monitored via radio networks from a central control station. Over 100 complete RTU's were supplied.
Features of Remote Terminal Units | Pole Mounted:
Solar panels or 23Vac powered
Full peer-to-peer radio comms with "digipeating" to reach RTU's out of radio contact with the Control Centre.
RTU Configuration stored in a "dongle" allowing easy field maintenance.
For further information about Remote Terminal Units | Pole Mounted visit Omniflex at http://www.omniflex.com/
Use the IndustrySearch e-mail feature below and one of the Omniflex team will respond to your enquiry directly.
Reliable Products & Solutions In Industrial Instrumentation
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