Retracta-belt magnetic mounted retractable belt systems and wall mounted system. Ideal for warehouse isle and walkway temporary closures.
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The magna mount is a powdercoated aluminium housing enclosing a 4.6 or 7.6 metre belt (your choice of standard colours including custom screenprinting). The magna mount has all the features of the 4.6 metre wall mount models with the added flexibility of being able to be quickly repositioned using the magnetic base mount and magnetic belt clip. The built-in safety bungy protects the unit from damage in the event it is dislodged. Ideal in warehousing where it can be carried from aisle to aisle by the forklift operator, attached to his machine. The magna mount is semi-permanent, magnetically attached . Comes complete with magnetic base and belt clip. Weight 1.4-1.5kg. Extension 0-4.6 metres or 7.6 metres
Retracta-belt Wall Mount units are designed for wall mounting where floor space is limited or post and base units are not appropriate.
Being available in two lengths (4.6 & 7.6 metres) means they are suitable for a wide range of applications. The 7.6 metre model is particularly useful in large span situations such as warehouse aisle closures and loading docks etc.
To contact Barrier Group about Retracta-belt Magna Mount & Wall Mount use Get a quote.
The magna mount is a powdercoated aluminium housing enclosing a 4.6 or 7.6 metre belt (your choice of standard colours including custom screenprinting). The magna mount has all the features of the 4.6 metre wall mount models with the added flexibility of being able to be quickly repositioned using the magnetic base mount and magnetic belt clip. The built-in safety bungy protects the unit from damage in the event it is dislodged. Ideal in warehousing where it can be carried from aisle to aisle by the forklift operator, attached to his machine. The magna mount is semi-permanent, magnetically attached . Comes complete with magnetic base and belt clip. Weight 1.4-1.5kg. Extension 0-4.6 metres or 7.6 metres
Retracta-belt Wall Mount units are designed for wall mounting where floor space is limited or post and base units are not appropriate.
Being available in two lengths (4.6 & 7.6 metres) means they are suitable for a wide range of applications. The 7.6 metre model is particularly useful in large span situations such as warehouse aisle closures and loading docks etc.