Formerly, a Wavecom product, the Q2686 & Q2687 wireless CPUs are re=branded as the Sierra Wireless AirPrime Q2686 GSM/GPRS module and AirPrime Q2687 GSM/GPRS/EDGE modules.
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The Sierra Wireless AirPrime Q2686 is a compact programmable Wireless CPU with Open AT OS which runs on an ARM9 core, providing applications with more than 16 MIPS (using VariSpeed). Equipped with up to 44 GPIOs, the AirPrime Q2686 is especially suited to applications which require a high number of connections.
The Sierra Wireless AirPrime Q2687 has all of the same features plus EDGE.
Key Features:
Open AT Operating System with DOTA II + Cache Memory
Open AT Plug-Ins including TCP/IP and Internet
Open AT GTi compatible
RTOS Compatible, running on 32 bit, 104 Mhz ARM9 core
VariPower & VariSpeed for battery life optimisation
Largest range of peripheral interfaces, including controllerless Bluetooth & GPS
Global GSM and GPRS operation (Quad Band)
Extended temperature range
Pin Compatible with future 3G (HSDPA) Module
Sierra Wireless Q26 Series Development Kits available:
Sierra Wireless Q26 Series Development Kit
Sierra Wireless Q26 c-GPS Plug-in daughter board
Sierra Wireless Software Suite
The Sierra Wireless Software Suite with integrated IDE is provided by M2M Connectivity for embedding wireless applications.
The Sierra Wireless AirPrime Q2686 and AirPrime Q2687 Intelligent Embedded modules are available from M2M Connectivity. Please click here.
To contact M2M Connectivity about Sierra Wireless AirPrime Q2686 & Q2687 GSM / GPRS / EDGE Modules use Get a quote.
The Sierra Wireless AirPrime Q2686 is a compact programmable Wireless CPU with Open AT OS which runs on an ARM9 core, providing applications with more than 16 MIPS (using VariSpeed). Equipped with up to 44 GPIOs, the AirPrime Q2686 is especially suited to applications which require a high number of connections.
The Sierra Wireless AirPrime Q2687 has all of the same features plus EDGE.
Key Features:
Open AT Operating System with DOTA II + Cache Memory
Open AT Plug-Ins including TCP/IP and Internet
Open AT GTi compatible
RTOS Compatible, running on 32 bit, 104 Mhz ARM9 core
VariPower & VariSpeed for battery life optimisation
Largest range of peripheral interfaces, including controllerless Bluetooth & GPS
Global GSM and GPRS operation (Quad Band)
Extended temperature range
Pin Compatible with future 3G (HSDPA) Module
Sierra Wireless Q26 Series Development Kits available:
Sierra Wireless Q26 Series Development Kit
Sierra Wireless Q26 c-GPS Plug-in daughter board
Sierra Wireless Software Suite
The Sierra Wireless Software Suite with integrated IDE is provided by M2M Connectivity for embedding wireless applications.
The Sierra Wireless AirPrime Q2686 and AirPrime Q2687 Intelligent Embedded modules are available from M2M Connectivity. Please click here.