Lifting Attachment | Venturi | Tilt Unit Attachment
Lifting Attachment | Venturi | Tilt Unit Attachment
Lifting Attachment | Venturi | Tilt Unit Attachment
Lifting Attachment | Venturi | Tilt Unit Attachment
Lifting Attachment | Venturi | Tilt Unit Attachment
Venturi Lifting Attachment
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Venturi flat and tilt lifters are designed to fit to an electric hoist to assist in the handling of various non pourous products such as steel, fibreglass, laminated surfaces, glass and plastic sheets.
They can come in various sizes from a single cup capable of handling up to 100kg to 10 cups for handling weights up to 1000kg. The cups are 300mm in diameter and can be mounted on frames so that the cup placement can be adjusted to suit various requirements.
The tilt unit is fitted with a manual 90 degree tilt function to enable products to be picker up flat and tilted 90 degrees and vice versa.
The units are able to pick up products of all sizes and shape with the flat and tilt units being designed to suit specialised requirements.
To contact Total Lifting Solutions about TLS Lifting Attachment | Venturi | Tilt Unit Attachment use Get a quote.
Venturi flat and tilt lifters are designed to fit to an electric hoist to assist in the handling of various non pourous products such as steel, fibreglass, laminated surfaces, glass and plastic sheets.
They can come in various sizes from a single cup capable of handling up to 100kg to 10 cups for handling weights up to 1000kg. The cups are 300mm in diameter and can be mounted on frames so that the cup placement can be adjusted to suit various requirements.
The tilt unit is fitted with a manual 90 degree tilt function to enable products to be picker up flat and tilted 90 degrees and vice versa.
The units are able to pick up products of all sizes and shape with the flat and tilt units being designed to suit specialised requirements.