Aeration manager Farm Management Software is a state of art product jointly engineered by CSIRO and Aeration Control Australia to cater the needs for Australian farmers.
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The Aeration manager will take care of the grain in your silos by activating fans and/or heater for drying, cooling, and maintaining the grain based on current grain state, atmospheric conditions and your target.
Aeration Control Australia has taken the product one step further by integrating SCADA solution in Aeration Manager. The new software can be accessed from anywhere in the world. All you need is a computer with an Internet access to monitor what is happening to your grain in the Silos (Aeration manager can take care of controlling the process).
To contact SmarterCTRL (by Industrial Automation Group) about SmarterCtrl Aeration Manager Software use Get a quote.
The Aeration manager will take care of the grain in your silos by activating fans and/or heater for drying, cooling, and maintaining the grain based on current grain state, atmospheric conditions and your target.
Aeration Control Australia has taken the product one step further by integrating SCADA solution in Aeration Manager. The new software can be accessed from anywhere in the world. All you need is a computer with an Internet access to monitor what is happening to your grain in the Silos (Aeration manager can take care of controlling the process).
Customers: Water Corporation, Town of Port Hedland, Department of Sports and Recreation,
Trade With Confidence. The supplier of this item is approved as a Verified Supplier. Business registration, contact details and locations have been verified. SmarterCTRL (by Industrial Automation Group) are also proudly displaying these credentials:
Water Corporation, Town of Port Hedland, Department of Sports and Recreation,