Water Storage Tanks Controller | Irrigation Tank Controller
Water Storage Tanks Controller | Irrigation Tank Controller
Water Storage Tanks Controller | Irrigation Tank Controller
Water Storage Tanks Controller | Irrigation Tank Controller
Water Storage Tanks Controller | Irrigation Tank Controller
Water Storage Tanks Controller | Irrigation Tank Controller
Our Smartpark Water Storage Tanks Controller efficiently monitors and controls the water tanks' levels
98 Recent ViewsIn Stock
Irrigation water isn’t always available in the correct pressure or quantity. In these instances tanks are installed to provide sufficient water for an irrigation cycle.
There are also locations where recycled effluent (RE) water is used which require local tanks to be installed.
In all these instances correct control of tank levels to ensure that there is:
Enough water in the tank to complete the cycle
Tank filling starts in time to meet the required level
Interlock low levels with the irrigation pumps to prevent pumps running dry
Provide RE water suppliers with details of the tank levels so that they can match that with their supplies
Standard communication protocols allow Water Treatment plant SCADA systems to link in with the various tank levels and as such provide an integrated system between supplier and end user.
Where an alternative water source is available, the alarms can switch over automatically to the second water source using the Smart Irrigation Controller.
To contact SmarterCTRL (by Industrial Automation Group) about SmarterCtrl Water Storage Tanks Controller | Irrigation Tank Controller use Get a quote.
Irrigation water isn’t always available in the correct pressure or quantity. In these instances tanks are installed to provide sufficient water for an irrigation cycle.
There are also locations where recycled effluent (RE) water is used which require local tanks to be installed.
In all these instances correct control of tank levels to ensure that there is:
Enough water in the tank to complete the cycle
Tank filling starts in time to meet the required level
Interlock low levels with the irrigation pumps to prevent pumps running dry
Provide RE water suppliers with details of the tank levels so that they can match that with their supplies
Standard communication protocols allow Water Treatment plant SCADA systems to link in with the various tank levels and as such provide an integrated system between supplier and end user.
Where an alternative water source is available, the alarms can switch over automatically to the second water source using the Smart Irrigation Controller.
Customers: Water Corporation, Town of Port Hedland, Department of Sports and Recreation,
Trade With Confidence. The supplier of this item is approved as a Verified Supplier. Business registration, contact details and locations have been verified. SmarterCTRL (by Industrial Automation Group) are also proudly displaying these credentials:
Water Corporation, Town of Port Hedland, Department of Sports and Recreation,